Tagged: Fantasy


GoodReads Choice Awards 2014 Finals

Now it’s time to vote for goodreads Choice Awards 2014 finalists. Now we have 10 books for each category. Frankly, I’ve been disappointed for the Fantasy and the Science Fiction categories. Nearly half of...


GoodReads Choice Awards 2014 Semi Finals

It’s time to choose best books of 2014. This year there are 20 categories and in each category there are 20 books. In each category 5 books are selected by write-in votes. Here are...


2014 Hugo Award Winners Announced

2014 Hugo Award Winners have been announced at Loncon 3, London on August 17, 2014. You can check the details and information about other categories on Hugo Awards page. And here are the details...


2014 Hugo Awards Finalists Announced

2014 Hugo Awards finalists have been announced on April 19, 2014. 1923 valid nominating ballots for the 2014 Hugo Awards were received, last year it was 1343. 2014 Hugo Awards will be presented at...


A Dawn of Dragonfire

A Dawn of Dragonfire, first book of the Dragonlore series, was written by Daniel Arenson (official link) and published in August 4, 2012 by Moonclipse. Phoenixes are fighting against the Dragons. Old enemies are...


A Study in Silks

A Study in Silks, first book of the The Baskerville Affair series, was written by Emma Jane Holloway and published in September 24, 2013 by Del Rey. The novel is about the story of...


The Reaver

The Reaver, fourth book of the The Sundering series, was written by Richard Lee Byers and published in February 4, 2014 by Wizards of the Coast. I’ve read this one after reading The Companions,...