Dragonwriter: A Tribute to Anne McCaffrey and Pern
Dragonwriter: A Tribute to Anne McCaffrey and Pern, was edited by Todd J. McCaffrey and published in August 1, 2013 by BenBella Books.
This book was written after Anne McCaffrey passed in November 2011. Anne McCaffrey’s son Tod has collected memories and stories from her friends. There are lots of people have contributed in this memoir. Some of them are Nebula Award winner Elizabeth Moon, Hugo Award winner David Brin and of course her children.
In this book I’ve seen that, Anne has many lovers. She has lots of friends, she has helped many authors and showed them the way to be a good author.
I got this book from Netgalley. Thank you, Netgalley.

Dragonwriter book cover
Anne McCaffrey was from the one of the first fantasy authors that I’ve read. I know she prefers to categorize Pern series as science fiction but I’ve read them as fantasy and still they feel more fantasy fiction then science fiction. I’ve started to read Pern when I was around 17 or 18. I’ve really liked the theme and the plot. I am not sure but probably I’ve read first 3 or 4 books in chronological order. After Pern series I’ve read many science fiction and fantasy fiction, but it is still one of the best. One of the most important part is she has create a unique world, unlike most new authors she has not used the well-known dragon archetype. She has designed her dragons from scratch just like Robin Hobb’s dragons. Also Robin Hobb has unique dragons in her Elderling Universe.
I have already planned to read all the books in the Pern universe, after reading this memoir probably I’ll start reading them next year, in 2015.